Endurance Gel Mix 1.0

Our Endurance Gel Mix is customizable, cuts down on waste and is cost effective for athletes. Just add a heaping scoop to water and mix in one of the reusable flasks
  • Easy way to add calories and electrolytes for training and racing 
  • Glucose to Fructose ratio of 1:0.8 based on current sports performance research 
  • Reduces waste with reusable gel flasks
  • Allows customization for your preference of calories and thickness
  • Multiple size flasks allows you to carry up to four gels in one flask 
  • Reduces cost compared to similar sized gels 
  • As always - Top 12 allergen free with exceptional taste. 

    Why Flavorless? Ever get tired of flavor after hours and hours of racing? Try our Flavorless - it goes down easy and can keep you going when you find it difficult to take in other nutrition. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Dona Wallace
Endurance Gel gives me the carbs I need even in the cold!

When I'm outside in the winter Flow Formula's Endurance gel gives me the energy I need without having to drink a lot of water. This helps me train, race, and generally have fun all year.


Easy to make, and easy on the stomach. Way more desirable than prepackaged gels for me!

Eric Windholz

The Endurance Gel Mix is a must have for any work out over 2 hours. It works wonders!

Troy Reynolds / Reynolds Racing / R2
Flow Formulas Order Review

I received my order from Flow Formulas that we ordered for our trip to Alabama for a benefit ride with my husband and I riding the Centry! With Flow, we were able to complete the ride and still feel great at the end.

Max Cavanaugh
Leadville 100 MTB Race Fuel

I mixed an entire bag of Endurance Gel Mix for my Leadville 100 race fuel. I used 3 scoops per 250ml tube and 1 bag filled 8 tubes. I was consuming 1 tube every 1.5 hours and felt great during the race. I was also drinking Flow Endurance Drink Mix and had all the fuel I needed. I never cramped and my stomach never had any issues. I went through 7 tubes of gel and 4 liters of endurance drink over 11.5 hours, it was all I needed to get me through the day. I highly recommend.