How to Create Your Secret Race Challenge Sponsored By Flow Formulas


  1. Create or have a Strava account
  2. Select a Strava segment that is within 10 miles of your house or that you ride to regularly and have scouted
  3. Send segment link to Caleb or Hannah to post on secret race webpage
  4. Post an Instagram or Facebook story challenging others to race your strava segment (post the exact post below) for participants to sign up at
  5. Tag the following in your Instagram or Facebook post @flowformulas @starlightapparel
  6. After August 1st, send us the name(s) of the fastest rider(s) and we will send them their prize!

Copy and Paste the following into your Social Media Post

“Want to race and WIN awesome prizes? Race “insert the name of your strava segment” in the month of June or July to WIN prizes including:

- Flow Formulas Starlight full cycling kit (while supplies last)

- 15 Serving Bag of Flow Formulas

- OR Purist water bottle and Race 90 and Train 60 packets

For full details and to sign up for the race go to

Prizes go to the fastest racer of the segment(s) and the remaining racers are entered into a drawing to WIN a 15 serving bag of Flow Formulas and Purist water bottle.”